In the recent past, Body Mass Index was considered as the only factor to define fit and unfit people. Assuming the health of a person using just weight and height oversimplified health issues. With an increased understanding of the human body, it has been concluded that what our body weight is composed of is what affects our health. Our body is composed of fats, protein, minerals and body water which then forms different tissues. It has become necessary now to know the body composition to target weight loss effectively and increase overall vitality. Body composition analyzer technology is used to know the number of your body constituents.
Body composition analyzer machine involves a technology that tells various components of the body along with body fat, bone weight, muscle mass and body water. It is a more reliable method for correctly describing weight than BMI alone.
At Delhi Laser Clinic, our proficient dermatologist performs the procedure of injection lipolysis. Once the injection is administered at the aimed site, the acid causes cytoplasmic vacuolation in fat cells of the adipose tissue. Ultimately this leads to the death of the fat cells. Gradually, the waste constituents of cells are thrown out of the body with the help of our lymphatic system. This treatment is the most effective choice to remove stubborn pockets of fat on the face and neck.
Why it is crucial for your weight loss journey?
Body Composition Analyzer results include:
Benefits of BCA analysis:
Being overweight is a factor for causing multiple diseases and issues in the human body. Healthy body composition means a longer lifespan and fewer chances of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and a plethora of problems. BCA analysis will provide information that will give a detailed understanding of the patient’s body, hence aiding in targeted fat loss and planning an appropriate weight loss journey. Once the person starts losing weight with Tvak Laser Clinic weight-loss program in Vasant Vihar, they will notice increased energy levels and a more confident outlook toward themselves