
Easy way to perfect your Body

Both Ultrasonic Cavitation and RF Treatment have been used for quite a long time to break fats and lose weight in the medical field. They are widely opted for weight loss by people as they are non-invasive, painless and safe treatments. It is now available easily for people struggling to lose weight. At Delhi Laser Clinic, we implement them together to give a synergistic effect that amplifies and give effective results.

The science behind the Treatment:

The process involves employing ultrasound radiation and radiofrequency waves on the target body part. These waves act only on adipose tissue and there it creates pressure changes in the fat cells. Due to increased pressure, swiftly the fat cells break into small particles then transform into liquid form. Over the next few days, the liquid waste is drained out of the body by natural functions performed by the lymphatic system. The RF massage, along with aiding in breaking fats also enhances the lymphatic system and blood flow. This process is versatile as it also boosts and increases collagen production which results in reduced cellulite and tightened skin.

Diverse benefits of the combined treatment:

  • Quick and visible inch loss.
  • Boosts skin elasticity.
  • Diminishes Cellulite.
  • Stretchmarks reduction.
  • Improves body metabolism.
  • Boosts lymphatic drainage system
  • Body Toning

Target Areas:

  • Belly bulge removal.
  • Minimizes flanks zone.
  • Reduce fats on upper arms.
  • Works on chin and neck
  • Extra fat on the outer area of thighs.
  • Tightens sagging skin of the abdomen
  • Butt fat reduction

Treatment duration

At Delhi Laser Clinic, Ultrasonic Cavitation and RF massage treatment in Dwarka is performed by a trained technician under the supervision of an expert dietician. Multiple sessions are recommended which are decided before beginning with the treatment. One session takes approx. 1½ to 2 hours depending on the number of body parts involved. Water content in the patient’s body plays a major role in the effectiveness of this treatment so it is crucial for the patient to drink lots of water before and after the treatment. The sessions are performed after every 5 days till the treatment course lasts.


After just one session people may see visible inch loss. Though the final results are visible as the waste is excreted out from the body, this will take around 2 weeks. The ultimate results will be seen after 6 to 12 weeks. The results will last as long as no weight is gained. To maintain the newly achieved body the patient is recommended to incorporate a healthy diet and light workout in their life by the experts at Delhi Laser Clinic.

Safety Regulations:

Most people are a fit candidate for this procedure as long as the goals are realistic. The patients are expected to share their complete medical history during the consultation. Some people cannot opt for the treatment, they are:

  • People with a pacemaker in their hearts.
  • Metallic body parts are installed anywhere in the body.
  • Patients suffering from hypertension, cancer, liver, kidney and auto-immune diseases.
  • Women are barred during pregnancy and lactation periods.

Side Effects:

There are no permanent side effects caused by this treatment. The treatment involves no downtime so most patients go on with their normal routine. Some people may get redness, soreness and mild pain after the session. The patient is expected to rest and avoid exertion till the effects subside.